About Shaiya


Image of statues from Shaiya; the free to play MMORPG.

Shaiya is a free to play MMORPG that centers around two factions. The Light and Fury factions are almost mirrored expect for a few attributes that uniquely associate with each class. There are two modes of play, Ultimate and Basic, that seek to further expand the experiences of each player through difficulty. Shaiya provides information for races, classes , and difficulties on their Game Guide section. Available to you are further customizations that revolve around personal styles, stat allocation, and stat distribution to build any type of player and combat imagine. There are vast regions to explore, hidden and dangerously scaling beasts ,crafting, quests, and subtle features promoting a challenging experience beyond a typical MMO. It's a classic gem. I recommend it to anyone.

 As such, this blog's purpose is to foster information concerning the game's quests, monsters, locations, and activities for the Union of Fury.