This is an interface dialog box that prompts by left clicking Earth Alchemy Powder Square's icon in your inventory. It displays options to consume Earth Alchemy Powder in exchange for crafting a variety of items. Each item on the list possesses unique success rates, so chance for failure fluctuates. The items are worth your time because they grant additional stats via accessories and costumes. Some craft options, once successfully craft, possess time duration for use. The essential craft option is at the end. 7 days Resurrection Rune for UM players; a usually exclusive Ultimate Mode, Aeria Points item that resurrects UM players upon death! This grants players ,playing free-to-play or otherwise, quality farming and crafting options.
While Earth Alchemy Power is farmable from any monster, the squares are only farmable from a few mobs. ( Human Captured Soldier Human Research Spy Female Horned Bore Male Horned Bore ).