Delivery to Vruion Forest


An image depicting Shaiya quest NPC, Lark Kumur the Village Head. This NPC is the handler for the quest "Delivery to Vruion Forest".

Quest Details:

NPC's Name: Lark Kumur the Village Head
Lark Kumur revealed the concealed purpose of his village. Before the invasion by Veultas and following turmoil propagated by desperate creatures, the village was a distribution hub for crops. Business and transportation had slowed down as results of the surrounding chaos. You'd find that while crops were barely maintainable, the man power was lacking severely. This was probably due to ambush from monsters during transportation. It should be obvious that he prioritized his responsibilities over others. His decisions were ,maybe, rooted in fear of losing his status as head, those close and trust worthy to him, thus tasking you to deliver his merchandise. The reward was poor given the dangers he had outlined. There's a lesson to learn. Be careful not to be used for values under what was necessary for your assistance. The developers didn't think this one through, me thinks. 

Locations: Reikeuseu

Origin: Lark Kumur at Herba Farm X:100  Z:1094.
Target: Deliver Food Supply to Shalkaren the Scout at  Vruion Watch Tower X:407 Z:1068.
Destination: Target. 

Gold(1,000), EXP(50).

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