Helping Hands


An image of Shaiya quest NPC, Lark Kumur the Village Head. This NPC is the handler for the quest "Helping Hands".

Quest Details:

NPC's Name: Lark Kumur the Village Head
Lark Kumur was excited by the news from his friend, Naluda the Village Head. Situation here isn't as bleak as at other places, since crops grow unlike at the Refugee Provisional Residence. Still, he has some nuisances around from the buffalos that have gathered to take advantage of his abundant yields. He places his situation on top of the hierarchy of duties as he can't help his friend and disregard the ills affecting his own village. He'll help if you are willing to help him reduce the adversities associated with managing a village.   

Locations: Reikeuseu

Origin: Lark Kumur at Herba Farm X:100  Z:1094.
Target: Curb the greed of Rakshasha Buffalo by removing 10 at Herba Farm X:182 Z:937.
Destination: Origin. 

Gold(9,000), EXP(6,000).

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