More Housing


Shaiya quest NPC, Naluda. This NPC is the handler for the quest "More Housing"

Quest Details:

NPC's Name: Naluda the Village Head
More supplies of foods attract more refugees therefore an increasing number of people create opportunities for Naluda to expand his influence beyond his village. The village's demands and security of his status amplify his cravings for Cobolt's mines. Cobalt and copper are useful resources to make equipment. You can understand Naluda's decisions stemming from needs to protect himself and the village. I find it paradoxical that the people anxious about invasive Vueltas have no self reflection about the Cobolts'. It seems the once passive and moral man became an addict to conquest which renews a moral structure to support the paradox. . 

Locations: Reikeuseu

Origin: Naluda at Refugee Provisional Residence X:77  Z:834.
Target: Assassinate  Cobolt Captain at Vruion Forest X:323  Z:920.
Destination: Origin. 

Gold(6,000), EXP(4,000).

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