Requesting Aid


Shaiya quest NPC, Naluda the Village Head. This NPC is the handler for the quest "Requesting Aid".

Quest Details:

NPC's Name: Naluda the Village Head
Naluda thanks you for helping to alleviate the burden on  his village, but it's not enough. He wants you to contact an old friend of his at a close proximity farm. He's probably worries about the current condition of his friend, since they are disconnected through communication . Your job is to deliver his regards to his friend. Be careful not to lose, sell, or open the letter or you'll have to abandon and restart the quest.  

Locations: Reikeuseu

Origin: Naluda at Refugee Provisional Residence X:77  Z:834.
Target: Carry letter to Lark Kumur the Village Head at Herba Farm X:100  Z:1094..
Destination: Target. 

Gold(1,000), EXP(50).

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