Shaiya Quests | Fury


Shaiya Quest Interface

Quests are basic in Shaiya. You approach a NPC(non-playable character), find the target of the quest, and gain rewards after meeting its destination. The reasons for questing are to learn the basics of game playing, attain items and equipment to lessen pressures on your journeys, gain experience points, and support the environment of the game's features. Quests support the environment you explore by adding context. Monsters(mobs) aren't randomly located. Their stationing are based on natural selection and conflicts from varying sources. These dynamics not only affect mob ranking and scarcity, they also affect players' psyche. Yes, players get demoralize by vast and daunting landscapes, brutal mobs, pressures from NPC services that want to sink the gold you make, and other strategic and wise players. Questing in Shaiya's PVP(player versus player)zones risk players losing valuable items and equipment if they possess any. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about this until level 60+.

There are , what I call, Sub-Quests in Shaiya. There are two types. Quest Scrolls that offer typical rewards for the kind and amount of mobs hunted, and NPC services that help players to customize equipment, combine crafting materials, provide special items like Resurrection Runes for Ultimate Mode players, and automated GM Services