That Doesn't Seem Legit


Shaiya quest NPC, Kehel Landur. This NPC is the handler for the quest "That Doesn't Seem Legit".

Quest Details:

NPC's Name: Kehel Landur
Kehel is a risk taker. He walled himself into a situation where he overestimated his capabilities to deliver on a promise. He had heard about skillful combatants, so he sought to hire you to even the stakes. Stakes centered around the cobalt and copper chemical elements in the mine Cobolts were securing. The criteria was that he wanted all the credit for the work that would be done by you. He seemed willing to task others with any measure to win. He couldn't care less about your circumstances or the dangers he'd place you in. It's funny, guys like this would find a suitable place in many networks because powers relied on them to organize the dirty work to be done.

Locations: Reikeuseu

Origin: Kehel Landur at Refugee Provisional Residence X:86  Z:805.
Target: Remove 10  Cobolt Miner at Vruion Forest X:323  Z:920.
Destination: Origin. 

Gold(6,000), EXP(4,000).

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