Wants and Needs


An image depicting Shaiya quest NPC Piglet the Scout. This NPC is the handler for the quest   "Wants and Needs".

Quest Details:

NPC's Name: Piglet the Scout
I've seen players named themselves based on animals, like myself,  but rarely an NPC. Oh! The quest! Piglet seems to be a person of mix heritage. That meaning, he was born from parents sharing at least one of the races within each faction. His fascination with magic isn't suspicious, but his fixations on lights from the escaped mages' wands are bits of clues. His fascination for lights from the wands will fulfil the need aspect for this quest. Since to get the lights means to gather the wands, that will allow scouts at Vruion Watch Tower to acquire weapons.  There might be weapon shortage so recovering the wands will increase their access while reducing access for the escapees.

Locations: Reikeuseu

Origin: Piglet at Vruion Watch Tower X:419 Z:1067
Recover at least 5 Shining Wand from Brion Captured Mage at Vruion Forest X:398 Z:985
Destination: Origin. 

Gold(10,000), EXP(7,000).

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